Saturday, March 9, 2013

Baltimore ... Update from Johns Hopkins

We certainly felt each and every prayer today. We have been in a place of continual peace.

Everything went fine with the scan and the visit.

Dr. Zheng had not received a copy of Teresa's last scan so the visit was a bit incomplete but we will take care of that Monday.

Dr Zheng said that the tumor was slightly smaller than when he first saw her 9 months ago. But he wants to compare this can with the one we had a month ago.

His opinion was that since we continue to the tumor markers decrease that tells us the chemo is working. He thought was to continue the chemo protocol we have been using but at a reduced dosage and less frequently, three weeks apart instead of two.

He also said that he will contact the National Association of Health in Bethesda MD that is conducting clinical trials in immunotherapy and see if Teresa is a candidate for that.

So staying the course looks like the recommendation.

But as I said this morning, we are going to takes man's wisdom and ask the LORD about it. So pray that we get a clear answer from HIM.

And aren't you glad HIS ways always trump the natural.

And by the way, Teresa and I had a date night at Phillips Seafood Restaurant on the Inner Harbor. Great Food. Better company. If you're ever in downtown Baltimore, we certainly recommend it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Steve and Teresa,
My name is Sue Rogers. My husband Joe and I are good friends of the Borgs in Gainesville, and we've worked with them at AIM for almost 17 years! We've been mostly involved with American Indian ministry on reservations. In August, 2009, we were shocked when I was diagnosed with mesothelioma - the asbestos cancer. I've had major surgery to remove my right lung and lining, chemo, and radiation. God has done so much healing, and I'm still here! We've also done a lot with diet, and recently I've been seeing a holistic doc. After the next CT scan, we will see what God does, and if a clinical trial at U of Chicago is even part of the picture. Teresa, I'm praying that God continues to heal you, and that you can continue to serve Him in Africa! You can email me if you'd like at