Thursday, June 13, 2013


I’m pleased to share with you that we are taking a NO CHEMO Summer Break! Our last scan at the end of May showed the same status as the previous ones, so there has been little change in the tumor size since we began chemo. However, Teresa’s tumor marker continues to decline. This month it was down to 75, which is great news. So Teresa will spend the summer not having to battle the side effects and have time for her body to begin to recover from the toxicity of the treatments.

Today (June 13) marks the one year mark on this journey of cancer. If you look at pancreatic cancer survival from the medical perspective, she is a walking miracle. If you look at it from a spiritual perspective, you fall on your face and thank Jesus for the gift of life.

So, it’s been 365 days. What have I learned? Teresa has her own thoughts and I will encourage her to share them with you soon.

My Jesus is all sufficient. From the first day battling fear and doubt to chemo treatments to dealing with side effects to hospital stays to demands of living life with this ever-present demon, I can tell you that HE is all sufficient. HE has sustained us spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially. Have I doubted? YES. Has HE ever NOT come through? NO!!!!

Family is invaluable. We would be wiped out without our immediate and extended family. They never cease to pray. They never cease to help without prompting. They have picked up Alfie from school while I was working and Teresa was not well. They have tutored him and did homework with him. They have helped transport. They have sat with Teresa during her 5-hour sessions of chemo. They have called and sent texts of encouragement. They have given us money to go to out-of-state doctors for second opinions. They have loved beyond measure.

The Church works in crisis. From the first week our church family rallied at our home to pray. They brought us meals. They checked on us. They always called when Teresa was down the most and lifted her spirits. They went out of their way, in spite of busy schedules, and ministered to us and our family. They truly acted out “When I was sick, you visited me”. There are hundreds, if not thousands, around the world that pray for us daily. I know because I get texts, emails and messages from them that tell me so. It’s overwhelming to know that so many intercede for you by name so often.

FRIENDS!!!! I cannot say enough about those we count as friends. They let us be real. They allowed us space to be down without judgment. They provided a safe place to vent without trying to fix it. They woke up in the middle of the night at the prompting of the Holy Spirit to pray for us. If we called out for help of any kind they responded immediately and extravagantly. Simply put, they helped us “bear our burden”.

My Bride. Teresa is the most amazing woman you will ever encounter. Jesus broke the mold after HE created her. She has the strongest spirit. Even at her worst, she never loses TRUST. She constantly declares the Goodness of Jesus in the midst of the sickness and the struggles. Is she ever down? Of course, she is human. But the “Power that raised Jesus from the dead” lives in her. She is more than a survivor. She is ALIVE and a CONQUEROR. I tell her often that she is MY HERO. She is so Brave, Courageous and Heroic. She picks me up much more that I do her. She makes me a better husband, dad, and follower of Jesus. She is my all. The testimony that is coming out of her life as she lives out her faith in the face of cancer is changing lives all over the world. I know her life has changed mine. I long for the day that she can be cancer free and continue to declare the goodness of God.

It’s been a long 365 days. I would not wish a similar experience on our worst enemies. However, HIS plan for our lives will come to fruition despite the cancer. HIS WORD says that no one can shut a door that HE has opened. I believe that. I trust that. You should too.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Baltimore ... Update from Johns Hopkins

We certainly felt each and every prayer today. We have been in a place of continual peace.

Everything went fine with the scan and the visit.

Dr. Zheng had not received a copy of Teresa's last scan so the visit was a bit incomplete but we will take care of that Monday.

Dr Zheng said that the tumor was slightly smaller than when he first saw her 9 months ago. But he wants to compare this can with the one we had a month ago.

His opinion was that since we continue to the tumor markers decrease that tells us the chemo is working. He thought was to continue the chemo protocol we have been using but at a reduced dosage and less frequently, three weeks apart instead of two.

He also said that he will contact the National Association of Health in Bethesda MD that is conducting clinical trials in immunotherapy and see if Teresa is a candidate for that.

So staying the course looks like the recommendation.

But as I said this morning, we are going to takes man's wisdom and ask the LORD about it. So pray that we get a clear answer from HIM.

And aren't you glad HIS ways always trump the natural.

And by the way, Teresa and I had a date night at Phillips Seafood Restaurant on the Inner Harbor. Great Food. Better company. If you're ever in downtown Baltimore, we certainly recommend it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

In Baltimore ... Status

We are in Baltimore MD this morning. No SNOW. Good for travel bad for the view.

We are having a CT scan at Johns Hopkins Medical Center at 1:30 ET followed by an appoint with Dr. Zheng at 3:30 ET.

Dr. Zheng is the physician that we saw early in our journey that recommended the chemo protocol that we used for the last 8 months.

While it was a very harsh treatment and the tumor doesn't appear to be any smaller, Teresa's tumor markers (which measure the activity of the tumor) has been dramatically reduced from 78,000+ to 200+. Positive things.

We reached a point after completing the last treatment about a month ago that Teresa needed a break from chemo. Our local oncologist agreed that we needed a break. She told Teresa that she had not expected her to be able to do 6 treatments of that protocol. Teresa did 15! Only Jesus.

So we've been off chemo about 5 weeks. Teresa is certainly feeling better without putting highly toxic poisons in her body. She is still struggling with extreme fatigue and numbness in her hands and feet but that should come back in about 6 months.

So now we are here asking for man's opinion as to what our next steps should be. We will take that info and take it to the LORD and see if HE agrees.

We are in a good place. We really are. No despair, no depression, little discouragement. Our heart is to see Teresa healed as a testimony to Jesus' goodness, HIS love and HIS power. Rev 12: We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the WORD OF OUR TESTIMONY.

This is a good story. Not a fun story but a good one. It's a story that will draw people to Jesus. We just want a lot of time to tell a lot of people.